FAQ - Ofte Stillede Spørgsmål
Nedenfor har vi samlet en række spørgsmål, som vi ofte modtager fra vores kunder. Vi har bestræbt os på at opsummere svarene, så de giver et indblik i, hvem vi er hos NordicCall, og hvordan vi arbejder. Har du yderligere spørgsmål, eller ønsker du uddybende information, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os på telefon 7020 9404.
Hos NordicCall er kvaliteten af vores telefonhåndtering en topprioritet. Den skal som minimum matche det niveau, man kunne forvente, hvis man selv ansatte en sekretær. Har du særlige ønsker til besvarelsen af dine telefonopkald, eller en bestemt måde, dine beskeder skal modtages på, er du derfor altid meget velkommen til at kontakte os for at skræddersy en løsning, der passer til dine behov.

Ring vi er klar til at snakke
For at sikre, at du altid føler dig godt informeret og støttet, lægger vi hos NordicCall stor vægt på åbenhed og tilgængelighed. Vi forstår, at hvert enkelt opkald og hver eneste kundeinteraktion er unik, og vi er her for at imødekomme netop dine specifikke behov. Uanset om det drejer sig om detaljer i vores service, specialiserede forespørgsler, eller hvis du blot ønsker at diskutere, hvordan vi bedst kan assistere din virksomhed, opfordrer vi dig til at tage kontakt.
Vi opmuntrer dig til at ringe til os på 70209404 for enhver forespørgsel, stor som lille. Vores team af erfarne og dedikerede medarbejdere står klar til at besvare dine spørgsmål og guide dig gennem alle aspekter af vores services. Hos NordicCall er vi forpligtet til at tilbyde en service, der ikke kun lever op til dine forventninger, men overgår dem. Ved at vælge os sikrer du, at din virksomheds telefonkommunikation er i de mest kompetente hænder.
Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your experience, you get your money back! We always do our best to give you the best experience.
9 languages
our experienced employees can help you answer calls for your company in as many as 9 different languages.
Telephone Answering
We answer all customer inquiries for you and your company. Every day of the week, 24 hours a day, all year round.
Happy Customers
Today, we help more than 300 companies with their telephone answering, live chat and customer service.
Telephone answering
Opening hours on the phones
At NordicCall, we not only offer telephone answering and customer service, but with our own designed system we provide our customers with a wide range of functions that give them more value, so you can safely click on our overview to Waiting Music and read more about the many opportunities.
Music on hold
Telephone menu
Voice mail

Opening hours
Easy setup of the company's opening hours, as well as how customers who call outside opening hours and on Danish holidays are to be handled via, for example, answering machine or forwarding to the emergency telephone.

Music on hold
There is rarely a waiting time when your calls are transferred to us, but if there is exceptionally a waiting time, your customers will be met by music on hold. You can choose from several categories or upload your very own music on hold.

Telephone menu
You can completely do without your current telephone system. You can create a phone menu yourself if you wish. For example, let customers choose which department they want to talk to.

Voice mail
Outside of the opening hours you have chosen in the system, your customers can be greeted by an answering machine. You choose whether the customer can leave a message on the answering machine or not. The messages can be listened to in our system via your mobile device or your PC, and they are also sent to your e-mail. It is also possible to switch to a shift, either consistently or via the telephone menu.

The welcome
Telephone answering at NordicCall must usually work as an internal service, which is often easier if the welcome on our telephone system is spoken by the company's own staff, this is, as Denmark, the only telephone answering service possible at NordicCall. You can either record the message directly via your phone or upload an MP3 file.

Ring groups
NordicCall is the only one in Denmark to offer you the option to create a ring group by forwarding. Call groups are a grouping of employees who receive the call at the same time, where the employee who answers our call first will have the call diverted if it suits the employee, otherwise we will try again.

Take an automatic lunch break
Although NordicCall can take over during all breaks and at events, our system allows you to close the phones during the lunch break or at other optional times. It may also be that you need longer opening hours in the evening or open on weekends, so this can easily be done via our flexible system.

Telephone chains
A telephone chain makes it possible to let the telephone ring with an employee or ring group first. If they do not pick it up, the call is automatically forwarded to the next employee or ring group, etc.

Multi answering machines
It is possible to set up several answering machines for each number. Thus, customers who call in outside opening hours can be offered to leave a message for sales, bookkeeping or the workshop, each of the answering machines can be set up so that the relevant departments only receive their own answering machine messages.

We screen all incoming calls and, according to your settings, can sort out sellers and the like. and then transfer the current calls to the right employees / departments.

More tracks
You can transfer all the numbers to us where you need help, it can be both the company's main number, but also local numbers, mobile numbers and the like. We make sure to answer all the numbers, and if they are transferred to us because you are not present, we make sure to leave a message with information about the call, so that you can call back when you are free.

All phones
There are no restrictions in relation to using NordicCall, regardless of which mobile phone, landline phone or switching system you use. All phones and systems will work together with our service.

Call history
NordicCall's call history gives you an easy and quick overview of who has called you, when they called, waiting time, the length of the call, as well as which NordicCall secretary they have spoken to and which employee, if the call has been forwarded. All updated in real time via our system.

Do not disturb
Via our system, the employee can sign out for a given period, e.g. the rest of the day, on a specific date or at a specific time, when the person concerned is out for a meeting or simply does not want to be disturbed. NordicCall offers an incredible number of options in this regard, for example even if the employee is in a meeting and generally does not want to be disturbed, it can be set up so that colleagues, VIP customers and the like will be forwarded. It is also possible to set up a work schedule, so that when the employee has time off, he or she will not be disturbed by calls, unless the person has set this up as a wish. It is also possible to set up so that SMSs/e-mails with messages are only sent when the person is back from a meeting / at work again, so that when you do not want to be disturbed by calls, you are also not disturbed by pings from SMSs and e-mails. - emails.

Call in progress
NordicCall's system gives you an easy and fast real-time overview of whether there are any ongoing calls via our system.

Get a call
It is possible to specify the maximum time a customer must wait before the customer is offered to press 1 to be called when it is the customer's turn and thereby avoid the waiting time - A great service to offer.

Call me - SMS
It is possible to set up our system so that if a customer has called in, but unfortunately did not get through, that person will receive an SMS saying that by simply answering the SMS they can be contacted by an employee, this can be both NordicCalls or your own employees.

Customer analysis
It is possible via our advanced system to set up so that customers who call in will be offered to participate in an analysis of the call, where the customer answers various questions, then you will be able to see in real time the answer to completed analyses.

Feedback analysis
It is possible to set up so that customers who call in after a call will receive an SMS. Via this SMS, the customer can give feedback on the call either by choosing good, neutral or bad and a comment associated with this. It is possible to define what the customer should give feedback on, for example the customer's general experience with the transaction or the experience with the call that has just been completed. For each call, it is possible to see both which NordicCall secretary has answered the call, as well as the company's own employee, if the call has been transferred to an employee. It is possible to receive an e-mail if there is a negative comment, so that you can quickly and easily act on this feedback, so that any misunderstanding can be corrected. A fast and efficient way to ensure all customers get the best experience from your company.

Call recording
It is possible to set up the system so that calls are recorded for further analysis or general documentation, there is easy access to these files via our system or they can be sent directly to your system.

Periodic welcome messages
It is possible to set up periodic welcome messages with current information, it could be a web hotel, where if a server goes down, the monitoring system sends information to our system that the server in question is down, and information will be given immediately as the first about this to the customers who call, and when the error is resolved, the message will be immediately removed again. This feature can be used by many different industries.

FREE calls
It is possible, via the settings in our system, to specify numbers of family, friends and other people for whom you do not want us to post a message. These calls will then not be billed. This is perfect for smaller businesses where their main number is used both by customers and private relationships, so you don't have to worry about a high bill due to many private calls. Since the numbers listed on the list will instead of being forwarded to a secretary, you will hear a message that you are currently busy.

It is possible via our widgets to retrieve real-time information about waiting times and response times, this will mean that on your website you can state "Call xx xx xx xx response time 3 seconds", "Call xx xx xx xx last call was answered in 3 seconds" or you can set up a schedule with information on when it is easiest to get through, so that in periods with green there is minimal waiting time, with yellow there is less waiting time and red is the busy period.



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Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.

Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.



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Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.

Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.



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Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.

Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.



Dette er en overskrift
Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.

Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.



Dette er en overskrift
Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.

Ønsker du at sende et tilbud til dine kunder, inden du laver et salg til dem, er det muligt med Pro.